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A Guide to Successfully Growing Sweet Potatoes in Colorado


Growing sweet potatoes in Colorado is an exciting experience. Sweet potatoes offer great taste and nutrition. They also give gardeners a sense of accomplishment. You can follow the following tips if you want to grow sweet potatoes in Colorado. You will yield a bountiful harvest!

Understanding Sweet Potatoes

Difference between sweet potatoes and yams: Do sweet potatoes come in different colors? The outer skin of a sweet potato can range from white to yellow or orange. It is especially nutritious, with its interior being light yellow to deep orange and moist in texture when cooked. Yams, on the other hand, have dark brown to black bark-like skin and feature white, purple or reddish flesh inside.

Sweet potatoes and yams have distinct flavor profiles as well. Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet but can also be savory when cooked with certain herbs and spices. Yams tend to have a more earthy flavor that pairs well with traditional Caribbean recipes.

The nutritional value: Sweet potatoes are starchy root vegetables that are packed with nutrition. One medium sweet potato contains vitamin A, vitamin C etc. They are also high in fiber, antioxidants and certain minerals. For example, copper and manganese.

Sweet potatoes in culinary applications: No matter which variety you choose, sweet potatoes are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Roasted sweet potatoes are nutritious and delicious. While mashed sweet potatoes make for a yummy dessert. Sweet potato fries are also a popular item on many restaurant menus.

Choosing the Right Varieties

When growing sweet potatoes in Colorado, it’s important to select varieties that are adapted to the area you live in. Some of the most popular varieties suitable for Colorado include Beauregard, Georgia Jet, and Evangeline. They are well-suited for different culinary uses.

Beauregard: It is a popular sweet potato variety in Colorado. Beauregard is sweeter than other varieties. The skin has a reddish hue with bright orange flesh. You can use beauregard in roast, mash, soups and stews.

Georgia Jet: Georgia Jet is another variety suited to Colorado’s climate. Its thin skin has a light brown color. The flesh is creamy white with a slightly nutty flavor. You can boil, steam or fry these potatoes for delicious dishes. For example, sweet potato fries or hash browns.

Evangeline: Evangeline is a high-yielding variety. It has a deep purple skin and light yellow flesh, with a sweet flavor. You can use the evangeline in roasting. You can also saute it into dishes like stir fries.

Preparing for Planting Sweet Potatoes in Colorado

Growing sweet potatoes in Colorado presents some unique challenges. But with proper preparation and knowledge of the right planting times, you can enjoy bumper crops. Here are the key steps to ensure success when planting sweet potatoes in Colorado.

When to plant sweet potatoes in Colorado? The best time to grow sweet potatoes in Colorado is late spring to early summer. The cool temperatures in the early part of the season help sweet potatoes achieve maximum growth. While warmer weather later on hastens ripening. Planting in early June gives your crop enough time to mature before autumn's cold weather sets in.

Choosing a suitable site: Choosing the right planting site is essential for sweet potatoes in Colorado. Ideally, look for a spot with full sun exposure and well-drained soil. Sweet potatoes need plenty of light to produce quality tubers. So opt for an area with at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Soil preparation: You should test the soil to determine its pH and nutrient levels. Sweet potatoes prefer slightly acidic soils with a pH of 5.5-6.5. Add sulfur or elemental phosphorus to lower it if your soil's pH is too alkaline.

You can add sand or organic matter if your soil is dense and clay-like. Additionally, work compost into the soil before planting. This will provide essential nutrients and help ensure good drainage.

growing sweet potatoes in colorado

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes in Colorado?

Can you grow sweet potatoes in Colorado? The process of growing sweet potatoes in Colorado starts with slips. They are small shoots that are created from the buds of a mature sweet potato. Each slip is rooted and will grow into its own healthy plant. Here, we’ll discuss how to purchase quality slips, start them indoors and plant them in prepared soil.

Purchasing quality slips: When selecting slips, make sure you purchase from a reputable vendor that offers top-notch quality plants. When buying slips online, take the time to read reviews and look for customer feedback to ensure they are healthy and reliable. Once you have purchased your slips, inspect each one before planting. Make sure there are no signs of disease, insects or damage.

Starting slips indoors: If you decide to start sweet potatoes slips indoors, place the potato in a shallow container and fill it with soil. Place the container in a warm area and water them regularly to keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Within three weeks, shoots will begin to emerge and will grow into slips. When the shoots are 2-3 inches long, use a sharp knife to cut them off and replant them in individual pots. Keep these slips indoors until they are well rooted and ready for planting in the garden.

Planting slips in prepared soil: After sweet potatoes slips starting, it’s time to plant them in the prepared soil. Make sure you have amended and tilled the soil ahead of time so that it is loose enough to easily form a hole for each slip.

Plant sweet potatoes slips 4-6 inches deep and 12-20 inches apart, depending on the variety. Water well after planting and cover with a layer of mulch or straw to help retain moisture and protect against weeds.

Nurturing and Maintenance

Growing sweet potatoes in Colorado requires some level of care and maintenance. Here are the key steps to follow for successful sweet potato cultivation in Colorado:

Watering needs: Sweet potatoes need consistent moisture without waterlogging. This can range from once or twice a week to every other day. Depending on weather conditions. Check the soil moistness by sticking your finger in it; if it feels dry, it’s time to water.

Weed management and Mulching: Weeds can compete with sweet potatoes for resources, so managing them is key to successful cultivation. You can do this through hand-weeding or creating a barrier of mulch around your bed. Mulching can deter weeds. It also prevents water loss and keeps the soil cool.

Fertilization: Sweet potatoes prefer well-drained, loamy soil. You can amend it with organic matter such as compost or peat moss. To ensure your sweet potato plants are getting the nutrition they need, fertilize two to three weeks after planting with a balanced fertilizer. It should be high in nitrogen and phosphorus (such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer).

Rotating crops is also important. Because it prevents disease buildup in the soil while promoting fertility. An ideal rotation would be to plant sweet potatoes following vegetables. For example, cucumbers, squash, or eggplants each season.

Pest and Disease Management

Common pests: Colorado’s climate is home to a variety of common insect pests which can cause significant damage to sweet potatoes. Beetles, aphids, thrips, mites and leafhoppers are common pests. They are fed on sweet potato foliage and roots. These insects can cause stunt growth and yellow leaves. This will reduce yields.

Common diseases: Sweet potatoes are also vulnerable to several diseases. These can prevent sweet potato vine Colorado from reaching their full potential. Fungal diseases like black rot, gray mold, and powdery mildew are all particularly common in Colorado gardens. Bacterial leaf spots are another frequent disease which causes lesions and discoloration on foliage.

Prevention and control methods: Pests and diseases can cause significant damage to sweet potatoes in Colorado. Fortunately, there are several ways to address them organically. For example, companion planting can help ward off pests. Crop rotation will reduce the likelihood of diseases. Beneficial insects are excellent natural predators for many sweet potato pests. For example, ladybugs and green lacewings.

You can take steps to reduce pests and diseases. Proper spacing between sweet potato plants can reduce pest populations. Because overcrowding can make them more likely to spread. Regular applications of compost can improve soil health and discourage some pests.

You should remove any dead or diseased plant material in your garden. When infestation occurs, you can use chemical controls if necessary. Be sure to read package instructions carefully before using any products on your plants.

Vine Management for Sweet Potatoes in Colorado

Sweet potatoes require a little extra care to produce the best yield. As vines are very active and grow quickly, it is important to train them correctly to ensure they are taking up the most nutrients possible without wasting energy on unnecessary growth.

Understanding sweet potato growth and spreading: Sweet potato plants grow vines that can quickly reach up to 10 feet in length. In just a few weeks, the whole planting area can be covered with these stems, making it difficult for sunlight and air to reach the soil. As the vines spread over the ground, they take up nutrients while growing tubers underground.

Training and controlling vines: Though training sweet potato vines may seem like a difficult task, it is actually quite simple. We suggest creating mounds or ridges and training the vines over them. This allows for better air circulation. It prevents diseases from spreading. It also reduces the need to weed as there will be fewer weeds in the planting bed.

For further growth management, it is important to pinch back any stems that start to grow more than one foot in length. The plant will focus its energy on producing tubers instead of vines. It will ultimately result in better yields.

Benefits of pinching back vines: Pinching back sweet potato vines has a number of benefits. As mentioned before, it helps prevent diseases from spreading as well as reducing the need to weed. It also helps conserve resources. For example, water and nutrients. Because they are not wasted on unnecessary growth.

Lastly, pinching back vines encourages the production of high quality and large tubers. As the plant focuses its energy on producing tubers instead of vines. It is able to put more energy into each tuber, which results in a higher yield.

sweet potatoes in pots

Harvesting and Storage of Sweet Potatoes

When to harvest sweet potatoes in Colorado? You can harvest sweet potatoes in many ways. In Colorado, they typically are ready for harvest from September to October. To ensure the best flavor and longest storage life, it is important to know how to harvest them.

Signs that sweet potatoes are ready for harvest: You can harvest them when the foliage begins to die back and turn yellow. To further check if the sweet potatoes are ready, gently pull up one plant and inspect its tubers. If they are plump, firm with bright-colored skins, then they can be harvested.

How to harvest sweet potatoes in Colorado? Carefully dig around each plant to loosen the soil and make sure all tubers are accessible. Use a garden fork or spade, making sure to not puncture any of the sweet potatoes. Gently pull up the plants by their stalks and lay them out on the ground.

Carefully brush away any dirt from the tubers using a soft bristled brush. Cut off any diseased or damaged areas with a sharp knife. Make sure to discard these in the compost pile rather than adding them back into the soil. Place all of the harvested tubers in a bucket. Take care not to bruise or damage them.

Curing sweet potatoes: Once the sweet potatoes have been harvested, it is important to “cure” them for two weeks. This process will remove any bitterness and forms a protective film on the skin. It can lock in moisture and they will last long.

Store sweet potatoes in a warm and well-ventilated area for 2 weeks. For example, a garage or basement. After two weeks, store the tubers at 55°F with a relative humidity of 85%. Your sweet potatoes will have a superior flavor and will last for months.

It is also important to store the tubers away from sunlight, as this can cause them to become bitter and rubbery. To prevent mold and rot, keep the sweet potatoes in an area with good airflow. A mesh bag or perforated plastic container is ideal. Check the storage area regularly for any signs of decay and discard accordingly, as this could contaminate other tubers stored nearby.

Overcoming Colorado's Climate

Raised beds and hoop houses: You can use raised beds or hoop houses to extend the growing season. A raised bed is an elevated bed of soil. It keeps warm air in and protects plants from temperature fluctuations. This allows sweet potatoes to grow longer and harvest earlier than in a traditional garden bed. Likewise, hoop houses are plastic-covered growing structures. You can create a warmer environment for the plants.

Monitoring weather conditions: You should keep an eye on the weather forecast. This protects your sweet potatoes from extreme temperatures or unexpected weather events. For example, if you are expecting a cold snap or frost, consider moving your sweet potato plants indoors or covering them with a thermal blanket.


By following the tips outlined above, you can start your own sweet potato gardening journey with confidence. So get out there and start planting! With proper care and preparation, you will successfully grow sweet potatoes in Colorado.

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